Party Leadership Data [stata] [excel]

This data set provides collected information of top party leaders (i.e., party chairperson and president) over the course of their service in the office in 153 political parties across 15 democratic countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) during the period of 1945 - 2011. For further discussions of party leadership change, see "Weiwei Hu and William B. Heller. 'Investing in Agreement: Party Organization, Leadership Change, and Policy Positions.'" The data will be available upon request.


Party Splits Data [stata] [excel] 

This data set provides collected information of party splits by internal factions in 166 political parties across 24 democratic countries during the period of 1945-2001. For further discussions of party splits, see "Weiwei Hu. 'Keeping Parties Together: Party Discipline, Party Policy Positioning, and Party Splits.'"  The data will be available upon request.

 Public Goods Provision in China [stata] [excel] 

This data set provides collected information of public goods provision both at the central and local level in China, including government expenditures on healthcare, culture, education, and research and science as a share of total government expenditures across 31 domestic regions over the  period 1950-2011. The data will be available upon request.